Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2011 Tony Awards Closing Number - Where Speed, Brilliance and Doogie Intersect

I love this in-the-making moment of the closing act of the 2011 Tony Awards hosted by Neil Patrick Harris -- forever known to me as Doogie, was absolutely brilliant.  It was an end show rap or riff on the doings and winners. 

As a writer, I'm amazed at how this was done -- on-the-fly, backstage just winging it.  Talent wins here.  It's that good.  Kudos to writers Lin-Manuel Miranda and Tommy Kail, and of course, Mr. Harris aka Doogie. 

And this is the performance as it was seen by those in the audience, and at home.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yahoo Studios Readies Dramatic Expansion of Web Video & Scripted Content

Great to see that Anna Robertson ,Yahoo Studios Chief, sees the future of content as tablet, TV and mobile.

I'm right there with her!

Friday, June 3, 2011

MC Hammer leads the way with Social Media & Storytelling

I'm just blown away by what Hammer's doing here.  He gets that storytelling and social media, telling a story around a message is the way to do business.  I'm down.
