Thursday, December 24, 2009

We wish you a Merry Christmas

It's Christmas Eve. And I'm loving it! This is generally the time of year people are just a little bit nicer, a little bit more approachable, a little extra something...

And for that very reason, it's the exact time you should ask for that thing or things you've been putting off for fear it would disrupt life as you know it. I think Xmas is the time of year you should let go of your fears.

I'm doing that... I can't even begin to tell you how chaotic and tumultuous this year has been -- frought with change, discovery and oh yes, fear. I've had to let go of my ideas of so many things -- my job (jobs really), my ID and value as represented by the jobs I've had, the things I value, the people I hold dear... lots of stuff. More importantly, I had to let go of the things I felt and still feel, hold me back.

I have so many things I want to do. And I'm fearful I won't get to do them.

So... how do I move on? How do I get from point A to point B? One step at a time.

As frustrating as that it, as irritating as it is to take baby steps when you want to go full out and sprint with little to no prep... unrealistic, but man, seductive. I just want to push, but I want this -- these things I'm attempting to do to last. To mean something.

So I ask for help (gulp), I reach out for the resources I need to help me build something good and worthwhile and beneficial not only to myself but for other people.

I like this time of year because I feel like I can do everything I want to do. Fears and all.

Merry Christmas.

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