Friday, February 19, 2010

Pilot Season...

I have been remiss. Meant to mention that this is pilot season for all you TV watchers out there. The time of year networks decide which new shows might be coming to your TVs in the fall or mid-season next year.

Doesn't look too promising for women showrunners -- the creative/writer and director/producing kind.

And this is a stat that hasn't changed much in the last 20 years. Dismal, disappointing, and yes, expected.

Even though women-centric features have been kicking financial booty at the movies lately, that success still hasn't translated to TV. Even though much of the TV we see is also women-centric programming. And most feature writers are turning towards TV because of the steady paychecks, and greater opportunity. Mmm... does not compute, does not compute, Will Robinson.

And yes, because I'm not happy with these unrelenting stats, I'm writing/creating/producing my own stuff.

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