Mirren knocks Hollywood for Obsessing over Youth & Young Men
The intersection of TV, the internet and social media -- how it all makes money and sense.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Walking Dead Writing Staff takes a Hike
I'm not exactly getting the jump on this story, but the writing staff of AMC's hit zombie series, The Walking Dead, have been fired. En masse.
Writers being fired from shows -- hits and otherwise, isn't exactly front page news. Entire staffs from new hit shows are a bit of an anomaly. The series had an order of six episodes this first season. Even before last night's finale, the show was renewed for a 13 episode second season. Six million viewers tuned in for last night's record breaking season one finale.
Season two's built on the premise of relying entirely on freelancers to get the job done.
Season two's built on the premise of relying entirely on freelancers to get the job done.
Having worked on scripted TV shows for a number of years, managing 13 eppys with no in-house writing staff... um, yeah, Frank Darabont, the showrunner can expect to live in his office for the next year. Cause that's what it's going to take to pull that off. Since he'll be doing all of the development, writing, casting, budgeting, final say on production and editorial choices, not to mention all those hiccups that happen during day-to-day operations, dealing with the studio and networks... yeah, welcome to hell.
Now, not being part of a TV writing staff currently, the idea of freelancing is very appealing. But being the realist I am and knowing there are all kinds of folk lining up to take those vacated spots... a combo platter of writing staff and freelancers is more than likely.
Ah, the business of show. Don't you just love it...?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Good Golly, Ms. Molly
Okay, I've been a bit remiss -- alright absent of late. I've got a great excuse -- er, reason. I've been working on a few things, and with super laser focus, have been doing great things (in my mind).
Truth is, I've had some family issues to wrangle, and unfortunately, this is an ongoing situation.
Remember when you were a kid and couldn't wait to grow up...? Well. Here we are.
To quote a line from a silly though pleasant movie, "Chin up, young person."
Truth is, I've had some family issues to wrangle, and unfortunately, this is an ongoing situation.
Remember when you were a kid and couldn't wait to grow up...? Well. Here we are.
To quote a line from a silly though pleasant movie, "Chin up, young person."
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Gift That Keeps On Giving...
Social media has arrived. It's achieved critical mass. Old Spice spokesman and now bonafide celebrity, Isaiah Mustafa has helped reinvigorate a brand that has languished in the male grooming products category for years. With Mustafa's contribution, in addition to the brilliant ad agency behind this campaign -- Wieden + Kennedy, this Proctor & Gamble brand has seen an increase of sales to the tune of 107 percent. Quite the feat.
Or is it?
Per AdAge, with SymphonyIRI, "(Old Spice) has been consistently gaining market share, even though that's only been enough to erase a deficit for the brand built up earlier. In the 52 weeks ended June 13, it had a roughly flat share in a category that grew a robust 8.6 percent."
Further, "Some other men's brands also have been making substantial share gains of late, including P&G sibling Gillette and Beierdorf's Nivea. And the thing Old Spice, Gillette and Nivea have in common isn't Mr. Mustafa, but rather multiple national drops of high-value coupons. They included buy-one, get-one-free offers from both P&G brands and up to $4 off a single bottle of Nivea Men from Beiersdorf, reflecting unprecedented levels of promotional intensity in the category."
All these stats are a bit hard to swallow -- especially given all the ads we've seen, and yes, enjoyed. We were engaged. In fact Mustafa and company shot a series of 186 clips -- a two-day marathon of YouTube personalized videos in answer to Tweets from Old Spice's popular Twitter feed. The videos generated more than 34 million aggregate views and a billion PR impression in a week, according to P&G. In a single week, views of the personalized ads surpassed the nearly 29 million viral video views of Mr. Mustafa's four TV ads since February.
I could go on, but bottom line is P&G has won with a carefully crafted campaign, some say gift, that's created awareness, watercooler worthiness and just plain old enjoyment. We have been and will continue to talk about Old Spice as long as they keep up the good work. Some of us even buy the products.
And that's really what it's all about, right?
critical mass,
Isaiah Mustafa,
Old Spice,
Proctor and Gamble,
TV ads,
viral campaign,
Saturday, July 10, 2010
YouTube Dips Toe and $5M into Content Creators...
Looks like Google via YouTube wants to help some of its more prolific and brand identified content creators create, well... better content.
They've created a $5 million fund to assist producers who may not have the wherewithal to upgrade production values with equipment, actors, writers, even directors. The first class to participate is by invitation only. Google will roll out the invites to a broader audience if this model proves to be successful.
And to be fair, Google's not doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. There's much money to be made here. Display advertising, a $20 billion business, is something Google wants a bigger piece of. Google is on track to book as much as $600 million, all of it from display advertising -- on YouTube.
For more specifics, read the AdAge article here -- http://bit.ly/aJHz8Z
Let's hope other video distributors will be just as incentivized to help their producers help them.
content creators,
production values,
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Screenwriters Find Work is Dwindling...
I'm not that surprised about the above headline. Things have been bad in the industry since the 2007 WGA Strike, but lately with the Great Recession, it's put even more of a strain on an already dire situation.
It's tough all over, and if you really want a career in the biz, writing or otherwise, you need to come prepared to do whatever it takes, legally speaking of course... because your dream to write for TV or the movies may not happen the way you want, in the timeline you want.
Don't wait for someone else to validate you. Do it yourself.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Love Chronicles Secrets Revealed...
Having followed Rockmond Dunbar's work over the years, it's nice to see him get roles which, hopefully, allow him to explore a series of characters, covering a wide spectrum of complexity. Don't know if we'll necessarily see that in this upcoming release (July 13, 2010), but it's nice to see these actors in what appears to be a lighthearted, romantic comedy.
Here's the trailer --
Here's the trailer --
Love Chronicles,
Rockmond Dunbar,
romantic comedy,
Isaiah Mustafa Reveals Secrets about Old Spice Ads...
Isaiah Mustafa does it again with another brilliant Old Spice Ad. This time he reveals a few secrets behind the magic... Here's a photo from Essence.com --
Can't wait for Mustafa to get his own series, or be cast as the lead in some big budget action adventure franchise. He's the next "it" guy.
Can't wait for Mustafa to get his own series, or be cast as the lead in some big budget action adventure franchise. He's the next "it" guy.
Isaiah Mustafa,
Old Spice
Pay The Writer...
Okay. I love Harlan Ellison. A writer. Just saw this clip on a Association of Women Journalists (AWJ) colleague's site -- http://annatarkov.posterous.com/pay-the-writer
I've also copied the video here.
Harlan is right.
Why should writers give away their product for free? We shouldn't. But the uninformed, those of us just starting out perhaps feel the exposure offered by writing for free is worth it. That decision is up to the individual, of course. But as I've seen in job ads more lately than not, you can't expect someone to write a nearly 1,000 word article -- and all the prep, energy and effort that takes for $20, and expect to get the best product.
At least, not from me.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Isaiah's Back...
I can't help it. This guy just... does it for me. Here's a bit of an update. Someone at NBC got wise and signed Isaiah Mustafa of the famed Old Spice commercials to a talent development deal late Spring 2010. Finally! Someone sees what I see -- a talented actor who deserves his own TV show.
Here's the latest Old Spice ad --
HILARIOUS! I'm happy for him and hope the opportunities keep coming!
development deal,
Isaiah Mustafa,
Old Spice,
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Viola Davis is a winner...
Okay, this is a quick shout-out to Viola Davis -- now TWO time Tony Award winner! She, along with Denzel Washington, won for Best Actress/Actor in a Play. The play itself -- Fences, is the latest dramatic revival to earn a record number ten nominations.
The producers and lead actors walked away with a Tony. Fences also earned Best Play honors.
I can't speak enough on Davis' talents. She is a skilled, nuanced actor who deserves every opportunity I hope is coming her way. After the limited Broadway run, both Davis and Washington will begin prepping for the feature version of August Wilson's esteemed piece.
I'll be one of the first in line with my ticket!
Tony Award,
Viola Davis
Friday, June 4, 2010
When Past and Present Intersect...
Ever have that out-of-body experience when an old friend from the past recognizes you and you're not exactly camera-ready?
Well that happened to me yesterday. In the store... the store I meant to just dash in and grab a few food staples... that didn't happen. I didn't run into an old boyfriend, TYJ, but ran into an old friend. A friend from a clique of chicks I used to admire back in the day. She's good people, then and now. And now that I think about it I don't know what's more confusing -- do women dress for men, themselves or other women?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
I like to think I make all personal appearances as if I were prepped for a George Hurrell photo shoot -- but lately I know this simply isn't true.
As much as I deride LA denizens for being papparazzi-ready at any given moment, there's something to be said about looking your best in public places. But being back, getting to a place where it's not just about what's on the outside, but what's internal... that's what I've been trying to find.
So that's my new goal -- to be radiant.
George Hurrell,
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday Night Live...
I gotta admit, every time I see this skit on "Saturday Night Live" (SNL), I crack up. I'm literally cackling like a hyena -- hysterically, most times in the fetal position.
Introducing Grady Wilson, with special guest co-host Costas, better known as Alec Baldwin.
SNL has been on something of an upswing of late. Last week, Hollywood's latest "it" girl -- Betty White, wowed everyone, including those Facebook fans who got the attention of both NBC and SNL brass to get her booked on the show. It was the highest rated episode in 18 months. Looks like the fans knew what they were doing. And might I add, women rule. This was their special Mother's Day episode, and with vets Maya Rudolph, Tina Fey, Molly Shannon, Ana Gasteyer, Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch and Betty, they rocked the house!
And as a personal aside, I LOVE MAYA RUDOLPH!! The woman is one of the funniest comedienne's I've ever seen. Her Whitney Houston impersonation -- hy-sterical!
Here's an old one --
This week's iteration with Alec Baldwin is the 2009-2010 season finale. Baldwin's appearance ties the other record holder Steve Martin, with 15 guest host appearances. Where are the women who can match that?
I love SNL -- which turned 35 this year, but this tired mothership needs a huge re-infusion of women both before and behind the camera to get it back on track to relevancy and hysterical laughter.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Viola Davis and Denzel Washington
Wow! Didn't realize it had been a month since my last post. Apologies, but I've been finalizing a couple projects I'll reveal more about later. Stay tuned.
Okay, someone sent me a link to a fascinating and I must say, riveting excerpt from an interview with the amazing Viola Davis and Denzel Washington about their roles in the revival of August Wilson's play, "Fences". The clip makes you want to see more of the interview and I went to the source -- The New York Times. Here's the clip -- http://nyti.ms/aIikO4
Now, if you want to see a portion of the interview that didn't make the official NYT video archive, check this YouTube clip --
We all know how talented Washington is -- his two Oscars and tenure in the business prove how universally regarded he has become. Davis, on the other hand, is just now creeping into the creative collective in Hollywood. The woman's been around for awhile, and it was only during the last couple years -- with her lauded role in "Doubt" that she began to receive the critical and Hollywood attention her talent demands.
Can I just say how refreshing it is to see two people of this caliber talk about their work? How they began, the challenges they've faced -- the crap they've had to endure just like the rest of us whom are building (hopefully) careers that endure and actually mean something...?
Denzel will work. He's in the pantheon of revered, and in-demand actors in the entertainment business. He's held this position for 25 years, and he just keeps getting better, stronger. Viola... she will work, but the opportunities for film work won't be as bountiful nor as delineated or well-defined. Why? Because she's female, and because she's African American. Simple fact is, Hollywood isn't writing for black women. This woman is the chocolate version of Meryl Streep in terms of talent, and Streep is enjoying one of the most profitable and prolific runs of her career. And good for her!
To be honest, Hollywood doesn't do well when it comes to embracing stories written for women, by women or directed by women. It's astounding, considering women purchase 85% of household goods, are 50% of the population, 51% of the workforce... need I say more?
There's money to be made and the Hollywood establishment is squandering its best resources. Take note, take heed and enjoy the clips.
Okay, someone sent me a link to a fascinating and I must say, riveting excerpt from an interview with the amazing Viola Davis and Denzel Washington about their roles in the revival of August Wilson's play, "Fences". The clip makes you want to see more of the interview and I went to the source -- The New York Times. Here's the clip -- http://nyti.ms/aIikO4
Now, if you want to see a portion of the interview that didn't make the official NYT video archive, check this YouTube clip --
We all know how talented Washington is -- his two Oscars and tenure in the business prove how universally regarded he has become. Davis, on the other hand, is just now creeping into the creative collective in Hollywood. The woman's been around for awhile, and it was only during the last couple years -- with her lauded role in "Doubt" that she began to receive the critical and Hollywood attention her talent demands.
Can I just say how refreshing it is to see two people of this caliber talk about their work? How they began, the challenges they've faced -- the crap they've had to endure just like the rest of us whom are building (hopefully) careers that endure and actually mean something...?
Denzel will work. He's in the pantheon of revered, and in-demand actors in the entertainment business. He's held this position for 25 years, and he just keeps getting better, stronger. Viola... she will work, but the opportunities for film work won't be as bountiful nor as delineated or well-defined. Why? Because she's female, and because she's African American. Simple fact is, Hollywood isn't writing for black women. This woman is the chocolate version of Meryl Streep in terms of talent, and Streep is enjoying one of the most profitable and prolific runs of her career. And good for her!
To be honest, Hollywood doesn't do well when it comes to embracing stories written for women, by women or directed by women. It's astounding, considering women purchase 85% of household goods, are 50% of the population, 51% of the workforce... need I say more?
There's money to be made and the Hollywood establishment is squandering its best resources. Take note, take heed and enjoy the clips.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Building capacity... expanding your circle... elevating your network profile. Love all those catch-phrases for what's basically known as "meeting people".
And that's what I've been doing the last couple weeks, nonstop.
New writers to my group, new contacts for my business, newwwwww. It's exhausting, and yet I can't help but think -- "What the heck have I been waiting for?" Should've been doing this a while ago. And I'm not saying I haven't done it at all, but I haven't done it to the extent where I'm connecting dots -- people I know and want to know, AND being strategic at the same time.
But life can't be all about business. Have to have balance. Today, I'm taking the time to stop and smell the...
I urge you to do the same -- don't wait two weeks. Start now. Take a moment, think about what needs to be done and then do something to feed your soul.
And that's what I've been doing the last couple weeks, nonstop.
New writers to my group, new contacts for my business, newwwwww. It's exhausting, and yet I can't help but think -- "What the heck have I been waiting for?" Should've been doing this a while ago. And I'm not saying I haven't done it at all, but I haven't done it to the extent where I'm connecting dots -- people I know and want to know, AND being strategic at the same time.
But life can't be all about business. Have to have balance. Today, I'm taking the time to stop and smell the...
I urge you to do the same -- don't wait two weeks. Start now. Take a moment, think about what needs to be done and then do something to feed your soul.
building business,
connecting dots,
meeting people,
Saturday, February 20, 2010
And Now a Word from Old Spice...
I couldn't resist. I've been thinking about this ad for weeks --
It's clever, funny, relevant, and pitchman, Isaiah Mustafa is cutey cute. Who knew Old Spice had it in them? This just goes to show that with the right message (story), an irreverent way to deliver said message, any brand can make an impact and stand out. And in the case of OS, be water cooler cool.
Kudos to Weiden+Kennedy, Portland -- the ad agency responsible.
It's clever, funny, relevant, and pitchman, Isaiah Mustafa is cutey cute. Who knew Old Spice had it in them? This just goes to show that with the right message (story), an irreverent way to deliver said message, any brand can make an impact and stand out. And in the case of OS, be water cooler cool.
Kudos to Weiden+Kennedy, Portland -- the ad agency responsible.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Pilot Season...
I have been remiss. Meant to mention that this is pilot season for all you TV watchers out there. The time of year networks decide which new shows might be coming to your TVs in the fall or mid-season next year.
Doesn't look too promising for women showrunners -- the creative/writer and director/producing kind.
And this is a stat that hasn't changed much in the last 20 years. Dismal, disappointing, and yes, expected.
Even though women-centric features have been kicking financial booty at the movies lately, that success still hasn't translated to TV. Even though much of the TV we see is also women-centric programming. And most feature writers are turning towards TV because of the steady paychecks, and greater opportunity. Mmm... does not compute, does not compute, Will Robinson.
And yes, because I'm not happy with these unrelenting stats, I'm writing/creating/producing my own stuff.
Doesn't look too promising for women showrunners -- the creative/writer and director/producing kind.
And this is a stat that hasn't changed much in the last 20 years. Dismal, disappointing, and yes, expected.
Even though women-centric features have been kicking financial booty at the movies lately, that success still hasn't translated to TV. Even though much of the TV we see is also women-centric programming. And most feature writers are turning towards TV because of the steady paychecks, and greater opportunity. Mmm... does not compute, does not compute, Will Robinson.
And yes, because I'm not happy with these unrelenting stats, I'm writing/creating/producing my own stuff.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's That Time...

Yep, it's February and two years ago the summer version was here.
Need I say more?
Wasn't really paying that much attention to all the pre-Olympic hype. Haven't really been following the Olympic trials in my fav winter sports -- short and long track speed skating, and then just plain skating, ice dancing, the long distance skiing events.
But now that it's here, I find my attention drawn to these events during the evening hours and some times during the day.
I'm digging it. Just like the other 90+ million others who've taken a peek or two since the games started last Friday night in Vancouver.
As a native Chicagoan, I can't even tell you how much it blows that we lost the Summer 2016 games. I mean ouch, but Rio better bring it. So far -- especially after severe and major power outages, I'm not that confident they can, but losers can't be choosy, huh...?
Did I mention it's taking place in one of my to-visit-destinations, Whistler? And that it's unseasonably warm there, like 50 degree plus days...?
A week and a half to go. USA, USA...
Image courtesy of John Thurlow.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I've hit a Speedbump...
I'm experiencing my own brand of contraction and retrenchment. What is going on with my students?
First couple sessions went like gangbusters, but I guess the reality of what it takes to write and write seriously is hitting home. People aren't doing the work, or are slacking.
Guess this means I've got to roll up my sleeves, cause this malaise can't happen on my watch.
First couple sessions went like gangbusters, but I guess the reality of what it takes to write and write seriously is hitting home. People aren't doing the work, or are slacking.
Guess this means I've got to roll up my sleeves, cause this malaise can't happen on my watch.
The Passing of Salinger...

Still can remember the joy and sense of recognition I felt upon reading this book the first time. And although Salinger turned his back on the fame and fortune this book brought to his life, he, and it, still left an undeniable and indelible impression.
Photo by Left, Lotte Jacobi.
Pins and needles...

I keep thinking about random, nonsensical stuff that has nothing to do with the task at hand... and something like this pops into my head --
Just light... direction, a way.
Thank goodness, I've had the wherewithal to get the little things done, but the big kahuna -- nada, bupkis. I'll get to it -- promise, but man, this tug-o-war within myself is making me batty.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Classic cool...

I was thinking about them today.
Isn't it cool how an image or a thought pops up -- reminding you of something simple, yet profound?
Just thinking about how good things last... movies, stories, legacies, traditions, people. Even when they're no longer with us, no longer current, their influence, hopefully good, will last many lifetimes... living from person to person to person.
Soldiering On...
Whew! Just got through another workshop. Can I admit to being a bit peeved my students didn't do their homework? Does anyone READ anymore?
I gotta admit, I'm a bit of a word snob. I love the power and punch of language. Love writing... all that jazz. So when people who've signed up for something they say they want to do -- writing, and then don't write or do the work to write...? I get a bit cranky. Yes, I'm pouting. Did pout. For a few hours.
Then I got over it.
Everybody's process is different. I'm trying both to remember and respect that. Sigh. So we go forward... soldiering on.
There's still much work to be done.
I gotta admit, I'm a bit of a word snob. I love the power and punch of language. Love writing... all that jazz. So when people who've signed up for something they say they want to do -- writing, and then don't write or do the work to write...? I get a bit cranky. Yes, I'm pouting. Did pout. For a few hours.
Then I got over it.
Everybody's process is different. I'm trying both to remember and respect that. Sigh. So we go forward... soldiering on.
There's still much work to be done.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Busy Busy...
I'm so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open. I haven't posted in several days and know it's time. Much is going on but I don't want to get too bogged down with details. The most important thing is I'm meeting people -- interesting people. As I move forward with teaching and push into mobile media and social video, I feel good about the progress.
More later in the week.
More later in the week.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
And So It Goes...
Okay, had the meeting on Saturday and only four showed -- after getting 16 RSVPs. Am I peeved? Yeah. Did I spent unnecessary time moving the meeting because the 16 was more than the original space could handle? Yeah. So not only did the non-showing RSVPs upset the apple cart, they wasted everyone's time.
Not cool.
Therefore, changes will be made. Initiating a 3-Strikes policy. If you miss more than three meetings, after having sent an RSVP, you will be removed from the group.
New year, new policy, new attitude.
Not cool.
Therefore, changes will be made. Initiating a 3-Strikes policy. If you miss more than three meetings, after having sent an RSVP, you will be removed from the group.
New year, new policy, new attitude.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Another Day...
Okay, today's starting out a bit better. Just got some clarity from a long-awaited phone call -- imagine that, a phone call. That's so last century. Kidding. Also got some contact intel on a certain someone I'm trying to nail down for a possible gig. More on that in the near future.
That's all I needed to feel human again.
With regard to the teaching stuff -- having to juggle a few venues to handle the overflow on reservations. Who knew? Guess I have to take into account people are likely to respond at the last-minute to things. Mmm...
That's all I needed to feel human again.
With regard to the teaching stuff -- having to juggle a few venues to handle the overflow on reservations. Who knew? Guess I have to take into account people are likely to respond at the last-minute to things. Mmm...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
January blahs...
Gosh, it's only the first week of the new year and people aren't back to work yet en masse. Argh!! Have some projects I'm working on and can't get to key stakeholders. And I'm pouting...
And when that happens, usually it's time to go back to my stories, which is what I'm doing today. I'll be writing, and loving it.
So there.
And when that happens, usually it's time to go back to my stories, which is what I'm doing today. I'll be writing, and loving it.
So there.
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